Chercher sans se lasser, croire avoir trouver et in fine démonter les ficelles de la société Google en les utilisant. Blog aussi sur Web 2.0, interoperabilité, Sciences & langages & neurosciences). En 1943, Valentin, le chef de la Légion des combattants nommé par Pétain, rejoint Londres et fait diffuser un message d'autocritique et dénonce la faute toujours présente: "On ne reconstruit pas sa maison pendant qu’elle flambe!". SAPERE AUDE!

dimanche 20 septembre 2009

The Web browser is Google's operating system.

Google Announces Chrome OS - PC World: "When Google first introduced the Chrome browser last year, I remarked in my review that 'In the past there has been some speculation that Google would develop its own operating system, but I think that Chrome's launch makes one thing is clear: The Web browser is Google's operating system.'"

While Chrome OS goes beyond being a mere Web browser, Google's vision of the future is as clear with Chrome OS as it was with the introduction of the Chrome browser: The Web is the OS of the future, and a modern OS needs to be built around the Web first. In fact, in the announcement, Google flatly states, "For application developers, the web is the platform." Even better: "And of course, these apps will run not only on Google Chrome OS, but on any standards-based browser on Windows, Mac and Linux thereby giving developers the largest user base of any platform."

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