Chercher sans se lasser, croire avoir trouver et in fine démonter les ficelles de la société Google en les utilisant. Blog aussi sur Web 2.0, interoperabilité, Sciences & langages & neurosciences). En 1943, Valentin, le chef de la Légion des combattants nommé par Pétain, rejoint Londres et fait diffuser un message d'autocritique et dénonce la faute toujours présente: "On ne reconstruit pas sa maison pendant qu’elle flambe!". SAPERE AUDE!

lundi 19 octobre 2009

flux RSS; se tenir au courant des changements des sites/blogs

Il y a 3 façons de se tenir au courant des changements d'un blog
(les "feeds", "RSS", "XML", "Atom"...):

1/ via une création automatique de menu dans un navigateur:
par exemple sur la plateforme
aller sur un blog par exemple:
en haut à droite: on clic sur le symbole carré orange du RSS
et dans son navigateur IE ou firefox
(pas chrome pour l'instant) puis un menu dans les favoris apparait
(marque-pages dynamiques) avec les derniers posts

2/ via un lecteur de RSS (style google reader, netvibes
ou une fenêtre igoogle ou
ou une application sur son ordinateur)
par exemple sur la plateforme
aller sur un blog par exemple:
clic sur le côté avec feedburner:
qui pointe

ou alors cliquez sur le symbole orange de ce blog plateforme blogspot

3/ via une entrée de l'email du visiteur qui veut s'abonner
et reçevoir les nouveaux posts sur sa messagerie

Offering Email Subscriptions to your WordPress blog ( or self-hosted)

FeedBurner also offers our Email Subscription service, which uses your feed to send an update once each day that you make new post(s) to your blog. If you want to offer a link to subscribe to these email updates to your readers, visit and activate the Email Subscriptions service on the Publicize tab for your feed. Then, copy the "Subscription Link" code we offer into your blog as a "Text" widget under Presentation > Widgets in the WordPress Dashboard for your site...

APrès avoir suivi l'inscription de feedburner vous arrivez après 4étapes à cette page:

Your feed is ready for the world. Now what?


FeedBurner integration varies depending on which platform you use to publish your blog. Some of the most popular platforms are listed below with links to the most important features.


* Redirect your Blogger feed to your FeedBurner feed »
* Publish a chicklet to display your FeedBurner feed »
* Offer blog updates via email »


* Override TypePad's default feed with your FeedBurner feed »
* Publish a chicklet to display your FeedBurner feed »
* Offer blog updates via email »

Self-Hosted WordPress

* Use this plugin to help direct your feed traffic through FeedBurner »

* Publish a chicklet to display your FeedBurner feed »
* Offer blog updates via email »


* Publish a chicklet to display your FeedBurner feed »
* Offer blog updates via email »


Here are a few fun, alternative ways to publicize your feed, other than the ways listed above.

* Headline Animator: Create and customize an animated banner that cycles through your feed's five most recent items. It's an easy way to promote your content anywhere you can place a snippet of HTML.
* BuzzBoost: Do you maintain more than one blog, site, or podcast? BuzzBoost helps you cross-promote your content by repurposing your feed as go-anywhere HTML.


Enhance and extend your feed with FeedBurner's array of services.

* FeedFlare™: Build “interactivity” into the content you create, making it simple for subscribers to tag, email or share their content with others.

FeedBurner Stats is our analytics offering for blogs, Web sites podcasts and feeds of all kinds. The service is free with every FeedBurner feed and provides publishers with a comprehensive view of their audience.

Earn revenue by displaying relevant text and image ads using AdSense for feeds. Learn more.

It's true, some good feeds go bad. Learn how to diagnose and solve the most common problems FeedBurner encounters when working with your original feed. The best part? We also notify you about any issues we discover using our FeedMedic and PodMedic reporting services.
puis clic sur "Publicize"

Publicize Your Feed

Ready to start attracting subscribers? Here are some tips and suggestions for maximizing your reach:
Make it Easy to Subscribe

* Chickletize your web site. Encourage people to subscribe to your feed by posting a friendly graphic in an easy-to-find location.
* Why confuse would-be subscribers by offering the full menu of RSS and Atom flavors? Consolidate by serving up just one SmartFeed, digestible from any destination.
* Pleased with your circulation stats? Promote them using FeedCount
* For the XML literate, consider using the Awareness API to share your subscriber stats with directories and listings.

Boost Your Cross-Promotion Potential

* Do you maintain more than one blog, newsfeed, podcast or videoblog? BuzzBoost helps you cross-promote your content by repurposing your feed as go-anywhere HTML.
* You author some very moving headlines! Promote your content with Headline Animator.