Chercher sans se lasser, croire avoir trouver et in fine démonter les ficelles de la société Google en les utilisant. Blog aussi sur Web 2.0, interoperabilité, Sciences & langages & neurosciences). En 1943, Valentin, le chef de la Légion des combattants nommé par Pétain, rejoint Londres et fait diffuser un message d'autocritique et dénonce la faute toujours présente: "On ne reconstruit pas sa maison pendant qu’elle flambe!". SAPERE AUDE!

samedi 21 mars 2009

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On startup, the Mathematica kernel does the following:

◼ Perform license management operations.
◼ Run Mathematica commands specified in any -runfirst options passed to the kernel executable.
◼ Run Mathematica commands specified in any -run options passed to the kernel executable.
◼ Run the Mathematica commands in the user‐specific kernel init.m file.
◼ Run the Mathematica commands in the system‐wide kernel init.m file.
◼ Load init.m and Kernel/init.m files in Autoload directories.
◼ Begin running the main loop.

Note that if you call Mathematica via MathLink from within an external program, then you must effectively create your own main loop, which will usually differ from the one described above.

---- see:
Command‐Line Options and Environment Variables

You can customize your Mathematica by adding files that can loaded into the system under different circumstances. Such files are conventionally placed in either system‐wide or user‐specific base directories.

A full Mathematica installation consists of something > 2200 separate files (mathematica 5.0), arranged in a total of about 280 directories under the main installation directory. The location of the main installation directory is determined at install time. From within a Mathematica kernel, its name is given by the value of $InstallationDirectory.

mcc = script for preprocessing and compiling MathLink C source files

FrontEnd/Palettes = default palette notebooks

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