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samedi 21 mars 2009

mathematica all palettes

click "demos" and "palettes"

To see how a palette works, choose Generate Notebook from Palette, then choose Show Expression, and look at the Mathematica definitions the palette contains.
Basic Input
A palette of mathematical and other notation understood as input by Mathematica (opened by default when Mathematica starts).
Basic Calculations
Some basic Mathematica calculations (available from the Palettes menu).
Algebraic Manipulation
Functions for in-place manipulation of parts of algebraic expressions (available from the Palettes menu).
Color Palette
A palette of common colors to use in Mathematica (the defaults allocated by Mathematica on low-color displays).
Polyhedron Explorer
An interactive tool for creating remarkable polyhedral shapes.
Periodic Table
A periodic table in which pressing an element pastes a description of its properties.
Physical Constants
Notation and values of common physical constants.
Notebook Launcher
A palette for creating new notebooks with different style sheets (available from the Palettes menu).
Selection Mover
Moving around the selection in a notebook.
Demo Maker
A tool for creating demos that can be run either within Mathematica or over the web.
Basic Typesetting
Common objects and operations needed in mathematical typesetting (available from the Palettes menu).
Complete Characters
The complete collection of special characters available by default in Mathematica (available from the Palettes menu).
International Characters
Common European characters (available from the Palettes menu).

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