Chercher sans se lasser, croire avoir trouver et in fine démonter les ficelles de la société Google en les utilisant. Blog aussi sur Web 2.0, interoperabilité, Sciences & langages & neurosciences). En 1943, Valentin, le chef de la Légion des combattants nommé par Pétain, rejoint Londres et fait diffuser un message d'autocritique et dénonce la faute toujours présente: "On ne reconstruit pas sa maison pendant qu’elle flambe!". SAPERE AUDE!

samedi 19 septembre 2009

Google Chrome

Google Chrome: "Search
17. Entering an intranet website address brings up a search results page, rather than the intranet site

When a user enters a single word into the address bar, Google Chrome performs a search for the term and returns results using the user's default search engine. At the same time, Google Chrome issues a HEAD request for http://term, to see if it's a valid website. If Google Chrome receives an HTTP/2xx response (such as HTTP/200 OK), the user will be asked if they want to visit the site instead. Clicking through to the site from the prompt will set the website as the default target for that term for future requests.

Google Chrome will also display the prompt if it receives:

* an HTTP/401 or HTTP/407 response
* an HTTP/3xx redirect that terminates in a page with any of the above responses

You should make sure that your web server properly responds to HEAD requests, and not just GET requests for a page.

For example, if a site exists at, and a user within that corporate network enters project into the address bar:

* Google Chrome will return search results for the term project
* At the same time, Google Chrome will check if http://project is a valid website. If so,
* A prompt will appear, asking if the user would like to visit http://project
* Once the user clicks through to http://project, Google Chrome sets http://project as the target for all future instances of project in the address bar

Users can override the default (search) behavior by entering project/ or http://project, or by selecting the address bar entry that reads project/ instead of Search for project.
18. How can I include my site's search in Google Chrome's search options?

By providing an OpenSearch description document (OSDD), you enable Google Chrome to include your site in the list of search engines in the browser. For more information about OpenSearch, please visit"

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