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vendredi 6 mars 2009

More New Features in NI LabVIEW 8.6 - Developer Zone - National Instruments

More New Features in NI LabVIEW 8.6 - Developer Zone - National Instruments: "NI LabVIEW software is designed to make it easy for engineers and scientists to create measurement and control applications. LabVIEW 8.6 adds several new features that improve the user experience, including features that speed up programming and increase functionality.
Table of Contents

1. Edit Properties of Multiple Objects
2. Breakpoint Manager
3. Link Tunnels in Case Structures
4. Palette API
5. MathScript Improvements
6. New Features for Mac and Linux

Edit Properties of Multiple Objects

With LabVIEW 8.6, you can edit the properties of multiple front panel objects simultaneously, saving time during application development.

To edit the common properties of front panel objects, select those that you wish to change and then right-click and select Properties."

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